November recap
November has been a hectic month for me.
First up, I quit my job! I finish work on the 20th December, & will be staying at my parents house from 21st December until I leave Auckland on the 21st January.
I am going travelling around South East Asia for two weeks before arriving in London on the 3rd February. This month I also had to move house. It was very rushed, with only three days notice (we were supposed to be moving in a few weeks time, but circumstances changed), so I'm now staying at my friends house during the week, & my parents house on the weekend. I think I'm going to be very sick of living out of a suitcase by the time February comes!
This month I read:
So that's six new books read, except four were library books so don't count towards my 45 books total. So I've read 16 books towards my challenge, except I can't work out what that percentage is. About 33-35% I think.
Hope you all have a great December!